Samstag, 7. April 2012

h. the world-formula

The nerd had received very friendly words - or so they appeared. I'm no longer used to that, she muttered, haven't you noticed how far the IRR is willing to go? The IRR, asked the person walking beside her, what do you mean? The International Religous Reaction, she said, they don't even need to organise themselves, they still work on the sameself formula all over the world: Opression of women, Hatred towards female sexuality and other supposedly uncontrollable things, Hatred towards homosexuality, and a Frightening Fear  of Freedom. This is not a formula, said the friend. O, is it not, said the nerd.

2 Kommentare:

  1. Mr. Precuneus said: You mean, something like interreligious fundamentalism, cross-cultural fanatism or so?

  2. The nerd: We should not enter in something like a Platonic "dialogue", should we?
