Mittwoch, 23. Mai 2012

p. tax-numbers

In order to trade your "lovely book" (as such it was listed, said the nerd proudly and gratefully) you seem to be in need of an american tax number and/ or a luxembourgian vat-system, please fill in the w-7 form, send us a copy of your passport, assure us that you do not hold terrorist or other criminal purposes, and wait another 8 weeks or so, wtf, said the nerd.

Mittwoch, 16. Mai 2012

o. as_if

As_if I hadn't tried to oppose, as if I had never spoken, as if I wasn't there, as_if_as_if_as_if, said the nerd, but the most shameful of it all are their rationalizations, their justifications, their unbroken propaganda, their … it is, in short, hopeless, she said, with a smile.

Freitag, 11. Mai 2012

n. grilling

O, still grilling, asked the nerd, in a like high-browed way. She got a little angry, nothing worked in the more sophisticated technical sphere, while the campaigners were still trying to figure things out. She murmured some anger into her webcam, and concluded: well then, darlings, keep on grilling, that will give me at least a slight opportunity to answer your ridiculous questions - might help us all to a good laugh, might it not?